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Thumb mouse buttons in Linux (Manjaro KDE, Wayland)

by on Jan.10, 2025, under Linux, Techie

Disabling or changing mouse buttons when using the Wayland compositor vs. X11 is something I needed to figure out.

This can be done on Wayland though the input-remapper application, which has a GUI interface.

Follow the Installations instructions, and if you are on Manjaro like me, then you may need to use sudo pacman -S yay to be able to install input-remapper. I needed to answered “Y” to install the missing packages.

Once I had Input Remapper installed I opened the GUI and I was able to create a new Preset for my mouse and once I Recorded my inputs to chance I just needed to set the “Enter your output here” field to “disable” and the buttons stopped working as I needed.

NOTE: Piper is another great option.

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