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The pains of Xen

by on May.15, 2009, under Techie

Still getting the new server up. Posting a problem I am just now fixing, and figure maybe some one will need this info later.
I had it setup and working in my office (using a private IP on Eth1) and then moved it to the NOC and am using Eth0 with a public IP, but alas I had trouble figuring out how to get the DomU’s routing out through Eth0 vs Eth1. For anyone else ever needing to know this just edit your /etc/xen/scripts/network-bridge and change the “netdev=” “vifnum” and “bridge=” accordingly. Remember if you change the “bridge=” field to edit the “vif=” line in the DomU xm config file in /etc/xen/ accordingly also.
Hopefully getting one of the L4D servers running this weekend so we can test this!

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