Issues with Apps being tied to different Apple IDs than in use – MacOS X
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Aug.12, 2016, under Techie
Below is a fix I needed to find after working on a MacOS X install where the person needed to change the Apple ID being used on the machine. While we could Logout and then Login, certain apps would still not update and would prompt for the password still showing the old Apple ID. This is apparently caused by a “receipt” file listed under the App causing the App to be “locked” to the old Apple ID. Follow the steps below to disconnect them.
- Go to the App that needs to be updated with this issue (usually in the /Applications folder).
- Right-click on the App and click “Show Package Contents”.
- Browse into the “Contents” folder, then the “_MASReceipt” folder.
- Delete the “receipt” file
Now you should be able to App Store and update the App. You may need to reboot first though.