NRE Labs For Network Automation Training
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Nov.18, 2018, under Techie
After listening to a new podcast from Packet Pushers I thought I’d share an awesome looking resource and a link to the podcast:
PQ 158: Introducing NRE Labs For Network Automation Training
Restore full disk space to USB drive in Windows
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Aug.26, 2018, under Techie, Windows
Need to get a USB drive back to full space to format after writing it with a different OS? I have had this happen when using an 8GB USB for a Linux Distro install, and then I can’t format it back to the full 8GB again in Windows.
- Open Command Prompt (as Administrator)
- Type in DISKPART from the Command Prompt and you will then see the prompt: DISKPART>
- Type in LIST DISK to see what number your USB drive is listed as.
- Type in SELECT DISK # (ie. If USB disk is 3, then SELECT DISK 3); It will confirm that “Disk 3 is now the select disk.”
- Type in SELECT PARTITION 1 (this selects what should be the only partition on your USB drive). It will confirm by showing “Partition 1 is now the selected partition.”
- Type in DELETE PARTITION and this will delete the old partition. WARNING! There are no warning prompts, so make sure you already have the correct disk selected and any data you want saved on it already backed up!
- Type in CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY. It will confirm with message of “Diskpart succeeded in creating the specified partition.”
- Then you can type in LIST PARTITION to confirm the new partition is made and is the full-size.
- Type in EXIT to leave Diskpart.
NOTE: You can now format your USB drive.
Accidentally closing FireFox?
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Sep.23, 2017, under Techie
If you are like me and sometimes close Firefox by accident you should do the following:
Open a new FireFox tab and go to about:config (click the I accept the risk!)
Search for browser.showQuitWarning and change it from false (default) to true
Windows gaming on Solus Budgie Linux
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Sep.11, 2017, under Linux, Techie, Video Games
I recently moved my main workstation over to using Solus Budgie. Well I’m loving it, but one issue I found was playing some of my Steam games that were Windows only. I installed and tried to use PlayOnLinux and Lutris to load Grim Dawn or EverQuest 2 and the WINE containers they built would never work and have different issues. So in the long-run I just used PlayOnLinux to install Steam and then from inside of that copy of Steam (ie the Mono WINE) I have been downloading/installing my Windows only games.
EverQuest 2 – I had to set it to Extreme Performance to make it play smooth, but it does play smooth.
Grim Dawn – I cranked the setting pretty much up to max (2K resolution; fullscreen) and that is also a great play.
…I’ll update this list with any other Windows-only games I try this way, but so far it looks like most/all will work.
NOTE: Not to bash on Lutris or PlayOnLinux as I think both are great, but limited by Windows-only games.
Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 keyboard or mouse getting Error 10 in Device Manager
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Mar.16, 2017, under Techie, Windows
I found this solution while working on a laptop with Windows 10 and the mouse wouldn’t work (touchpad or USB) and in Device Manager it showed Error Code 10 for the hardware not starting. Removing the device driver and re-installing didn’t help. I finally found that you need to have the following Registry keys in the Registry and set correctly (in my case the key was missing all together) to fix this problem. It can affect Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 for ether the keyboard or mouse.
- Open regedit and browse to:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Look for a REG_MULTI_SZ value named UpperFilters in the right-hand pane; if isn’t there then create it (New -> Multi-String Value)
- Make sure the value of UpperFilters is set to kbdclass
- Close regedit and reboot.
- NOTE: Do not expand the key any further!
- Open regedit and browse to:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Look for a REG_MULTI_SZ value named UpperFilters in the right-hand pane; if isn’t there then create it (New -> Multi-String Value)
- Make sure the value of UpperFilters is set to mouclass
- Close regedit and reboot.
- NOTE: Do not expand the key any further!