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New post in Articles & Scripts – “Hosting SunShop digital downloads off-server”

by on Aug.18, 2010, under Techie

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L4D2 sv_search_key issue fixed!

by on May.20, 2010, under Techie

After having it reported to me that the sv_search_key tended not to work with any Add-Ons turned on I did some research and found that the fix was renaming “dead air.vpk” to “dead_air.vpk” That VPK by itself was fine, but ran with the others I have it wouldn’t allow me to find the server using the sv_search_key as long as the space character was in the name. Renaming it and then enabling all the Add-Ons seems to have worked.

NOW to finish setting AIDE (“best” IDS list) and SELinux up on the Left 4 Dead server.

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L4D2 Server Hardening

by on May.16, 2010, under Techie

I just finished some Server Hardening of the Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) server. It included working with iptables rules, audit, sysctl.conf, sshd_config, SELinux, AIDE, and a few other minor things. If anyone playing on that server notices any issues that started sometime between Friday and Sunday of this weekend please contact me ASAP so I can look into them before I apply these to Left 4 Dead.

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Knowing how Linux Mint is I’m …

by on Apr.05, 2010, under Techie

Knowing how Linux Mint is I’m thinking I want something a bit better… therefor thinking about Sabayon ( instead!

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End to the Mint Saga…or is it?

by on Feb.22, 2010, under Techie

Well all is grand with Mint now! I ended up loading my HLSW software into the VirtualBox of Vista since I couldn’t get it to run at all in any form of Wine software. I also went with PuTTY and just let the Windows .EXE run thanks to PlayOnLinux (used to get my Steam on the machine) for all my SSH needs. Last but not least I got my screensaver I love to run – Fireflies – by switching from gnome-screensaver to xscreensaver; which if I wasn’t a Linux Desktop N00B I would have figured out a long time ago by just reading the note after it in the Software Manager (for xscreensaver or standalone – DOH!).

My only problem so far was when switching from gnome-screensaver to xscreensaver I let the machine idle and when I woke it back up – was connected to it via UltraVNC – it never gave me a login prompt so I had to reboot it.

NOTE: Since as of right now I can do 100% of my work on Linux Mint I am mostly done messing around with it, but I would love native (Wine is close enough) support for HLSW and some of my games (League of Legends for one!) so I plan to mess with different Wine options as I have time down the road.

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