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Create file with full directly listing (Linux)

by on Sep.06, 2020, under Linux, Techie

If you need a full listing of all the files in a folder saved to a file then use the following from a shell:

'ls' > file_list.txt

NOTE: In this case the file_list.txt file will be listed in the file_list.txt file, and to avoid this, just save the file_list.txt file to a different location than you are running the ‘ls’ command in.

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Backing up folder with symlinks in it

by on Sep.06, 2020, under Linux, Techie

If you need to backup a folder with symlinks and keep them intact use the following from the shell:

tar -csf folder.tar /folder/location/with/symlinks/

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USB Keyboard and/or Mouse stops working once Windows loads (work fine during POST)

by on Dec.22, 2019, under Techie, Windows

This is a fun issuer I can into, but gladly I had the keyboard working on the Windows 7 computer that I was fixing. This can be caused by the “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” setting being Enabled in Device Manager. Below is a direct copy (Click here for the Original Post) from the Microsoft Community discussion that solved this issue, but be warned it has solutions that involve editing the registry (doing so incorrectly can cause serious issue with Windows) so you should always backup the registry before starting any changes in the Windows registry (See Microsoft KB 322756 for more information):

Perform these steps and check if it helps.

  1. Click Start, type Device manager in the Search box and then click Device Manager from the returned list
  2. Click to expand USB Root Hub and click the Power Management tab
  3. Uncheck the option to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power and click OK

Note: You may see multiple listings for USB Root Hub, uncheck this option for all USB Root Hubs.
Close the Device Manager

Advance steps would be modifying the registry.

  1. Click Start
  2. type regedit in the Start Search box, and then click regedit in the Programs list.
  3. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Executive
  4. In the details pane, right-click AdditionalCriticalWorkerThreads, and then click Modify.
  5. In the Value data box, type 2, and then click OK
  6. Note You can specify a value that is between 1 and 16.
  7. Exit Registry Editor.
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Restore full disk space to USB drive in Windows

by on Aug.26, 2018, under Techie, Windows

Need to get a USB drive back to full space to format after writing it with a different OS? I have had this happen when using an 8GB USB for a Linux Distro install, and then I can’t format it back to the full 8GB again in Windows.

    1. Open Command Prompt (as Administrator)
      Type in DISKPART from the Command Prompt and you will then see the prompt: DISKPART>
      Type in LIST DISK to see what number your USB drive is listed as.
      Type in SELECT DISK # (ie. If USB disk is 3, then SELECT DISK 3); It will confirm that “Disk 3 is now the select disk.”
      Type in SELECT PARTITION 1 (this selects what should be the only partition on your USB drive). It will confirm by showing “Partition 1 is now the selected partition.”
      Type in DELETE PARTITION and this will delete the old partition. WARNING! There are no warning prompts, so make sure you already have the correct disk selected and any data you want saved on it already backed up!
      Type in CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY. It will confirm with message of “Diskpart succeeded in creating the specified partition.”
      Then you can type in LIST PARTITION to confirm the new partition is made and is the full-size.
      Type in EXIT to leave Diskpart.
  • NOTE: You can now format your USB drive.

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