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Grim Dawn needing some TLC to run smooth on Linux

by on Apr.15, 2023, under Linux, Techie, Video Games

Grim Dawn (w/ all DL)C, I was seeing some screen tearing in the upper 1/8 of the screen and the background seemed to stutter even though FPS was solid. The following changes were needed on my setup to resolve this. Posting here and on ProtonDB – Game Details for Grim Dawn in hopes this helps someone else.

Changed desktop from 60Ghz to 120Hz (monitor can do 144Hz)
Edit the games options.txt file at “~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/219990/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Grim Dawn/Settings/“:

UPnPEnable = false
forceSingleProcessorMode = false
maxResourceThreads = 8

NOTE: maxResourceThreads should be equal to the number of cores (not threads) the CPU has; default is 1.

Steam Properties >
Launch Options: Play Grim Dawn (x64)
Advanced: RADV_PERFTEST=aco gamemoderun %command%

Compatibility > Force to Using GE-Proton7-55

NOTE: Many have reported random black screen issues unless using “RADV_PERFTEST=aco

In game I have everything cranked up to max and all options in video turned on (including VSYNC) and Refresh set to 120Hz also.

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