Archive for April, 2023
Manjaro – (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)) error when updating from terminal
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Apr.10, 2023, under Linux, Techie
When doing a “sudo pacman -Syyu” from the terminal on Manjaro (KDE) and you get something like “…signature from Mark Wagie is invalid…(invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature))” then you may need to run an update to import the latest Manjaro keys with the following command “sudo pacman-key –populate manjaro”
Manjaro (KDE) – Rollback kernel
by Logan Rogers-Follis on Apr.09, 2023, under Linux, Techie
If you need to rollback the kernel version within Manjaro KDE, then on boot up tap the “SHIFT” button and you will get the grub menu. Select the Advanced option and then pick the kernel you want to boot to.
NOTE: This was helpful after accessing and interacting with file (rename, opening, etc) started getting laggy and would “pause” after going from Linux 6.1.22-1 (LTS) to Linux 6.2.9-1