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Running a mod/trainer inside the Steam Game’s prefix

by on Mar.16, 2025, under Linux, Techie, Video Games

Based on what I found Steam allows you to launch one additional program with a game. This is through the use of a sandbox debug environmental variable set through the Launch Options of a game.

PROTON_REMOTE_DEBUG_CMD="/path/to/program.exe" PRESSURE_VESSEL_FILESYSTEMS_RW="/path/to/program.exe" %command%

I used this to allow me to change the FOV of the game Banishers: Ghost of New Eden (it is fixed to 85). I was able to get the mod/cheat Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden FOV changer by RoseTheFlower to work correctly.

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HP Printer only seen as a scanner

by on Mar.08, 2025, under Techie, Windows

Recently I came across the following error. On a Windows 10 computer, with an HP Deskjet Printer/Scanner combo it would no longer print, but you could use the scanner bed to make a copy.

Windows shows the devices, but acted as though it was only a Scanner. The following steps (source at the bottom) were used to fix this:

  1. Unplug any USB cable, if needed.
  2. Search for and open Programs and Features
  3. Uninstall anything to do with your HP Printer
  4. Search for and open Devices and Printers
  5. Under the Devices and Printers windows look for your HP Printer, then right-click on it and choose “Delete” or “Remove Device” (if it isn’t listed continue to the next step)
  6. Press the “Windows key + R” combo to open up the Run window
  7. Type printui.exe /s in the Run window and click the OK button (Note: there is a space in between printui.exe and /s)
  8. Click on the “Drivers” tab
  9. Look for you HP Printer driver. If you see it, then Click on it and click Remove at the bottom
  10. Click OK
  11. Click Apply and OK on the Print Server Properties windows
  12. Close Devices and Printers window
  13. Press the “Windows key + R” combo to open up the Run window
  14. Type c:/programdata and click OK. Browse to the Hewlett Packard folder, remove any printer related folders & files.
  15. Restart the computer.
  16. Download the latest driver for your printer from
  17. Install the driver and follow the directions (do not plug in the USB cable, if used, until prompted to)

Source: HP Community – Printer only being recognised as a scanner

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failed retrieving file ‘community.db’ 404 error

by on Mar.08, 2025, under Linux, Techie

If you have been running an Arch-based distro (like Manjaro) for a few years now, you might suddenly be getting the following errors (when running sudo pacman -Syyuu from CLI):

error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed retrieving file 'community.db' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
error: failed to synchronize all databases (failed to retrieve some files)

This is because the commuinity repo was replaced with extra repo a few years ago. Recently the community report was completely removed (though it has been empty for a while). Generally speaking if you are seeing these errors (or getting some other odd errors when using the the GUI version of the package manager) then you will need to manually edit your pacman.conf file as listed below. According to what I have read, this would have automatically updated (provided you weren’t really far behind) unless you had already edited the pacman.conf file yourself (which I did).

Below is what I did to fix this:

kate /etc/pacman.conf

Search for the following lines and comment them out:

SigLevel = PackageRequired
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist


#SigLevel = PackageRequired
#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Then save and close the file. You will now be able to update your machine again.

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Installing Phoenix Code on Manjaro

by on Feb.14, 2025, under Linux, Techie

While Phoenix Code offers a file and supports Arch systems, it may not install on Manjaro (KDE, Wayland) without first having webkit2gtk first.

“webkit2fgtk” on Manjaro:
sudo pacman -S webkit2gtk

Phoenix Code:
wget -qO- | bash

NOTE: You may need to +x the file before it will run and install.

Once complete you will have it installed and added to the context menu.

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Thumb mouse buttons in Linux (Manjaro KDE, Wayland)

by on Jan.10, 2025, under Linux, Techie

Disabling or changing mouse buttons when using the Wayland compositor vs. X11 is something I needed to figure out.

This can be done on Wayland though the input-remapper application, which has a GUI interface.

Follow the Installations instructions, and if you are on Manjaro like me, then you may need to use sudo pacman -S yay to be able to install input-remapper. I needed to answered “Y” to install the missing packages.

Once I had Input Remapper installed I opened the GUI and I was able to create a new Preset for my mouse and once I Recorded my inputs to chance I just needed to set the “Enter your output here” field to “disable” and the buttons stopped working as I needed.

NOTE: Piper is another great option.

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